Rik Rak is a monthly subscription box with a theme of using rick rack on pieces, repopularizing an old classic. Targeting  a young trendy young audience of women aged 8-11 who like to stay ahead of the fashion curve and set the trends themselves. The Rik Rak brand was inspired from a custom type face of a similar name rick rack and follows the friendly curved lines famously associated with it.
Staying fashion savy, Rik Rak provides an affordable monthly box subscription with new exclusive items changing out every month. Friendly shapes combined with bright colors were employed to highlight the brands original character. Parents too will love seeing rick rack becoming popular again with their daughters proudly sporting Rik Rak items. The logo is set in lock up of a custom typeface  surrounded by colorful rick rack . Each box includes a thank you note displaying the individual boxologist that assembled that months box. Each box includes hand made ricked racked items to further brand loyalty.

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